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The fistula is the lifeline that connects a dialysis patient to the dialysis machine. It must be kept clear at all times. For this reason, the fistula must be monitored regularly.

The fistula is the lifeline that connects a dialysis patient to the dialysis machine. It must be kept clear at all times. For this reason, the fistula must be monitored regularly.

There are three major challenges with this:

As dialysis clinics are VERY busy, it’s a challenge for the clinical team to routinely perform proper monitoring.

Direct contact between the patient and the nurse runs the risk of infection and causes pain.

The manual and often painful checks by nurses, that can take around 7-8 minutes, are subjective and require clinical skills rarely available today.

The PatenSee System addresses these challenges with its contactless, optical, fistula monitoring system.

PatenSee’s System

PatenSee’s system simulates the look, listen, feel and the clinical assessment of the patient’s vascular access by the nurses in the dialysis clinic, but non-contact, faster (1 minute rather than 7 minutes) and with data driven, objective, AI learning analyses and reports.

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How It Works in a Hemodialysis Clinic

Patient arrives for a dialysis treatment (every 2-3 days).
Patient arrives for a dialysis treatment (every 2-3 days).
x60sec PatenSee imaging (weekly).  Can be done by patient/caretaker in the “waiting room”.
x60sec PatenSee imaging (weekly).  Can be done by patient/caretaker in the “waiting room”.
Real-time data collection and analysis.
Real-time data collection and analysis.
Alert drives referral to IR if needed. Generates info for IR.
Alert drives referral to IR if needed. Generates info for IR.

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Or Yehuda, 6037606. Israel

407 E. Fort Street
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Detroit, MI 48226,

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Patensee is limited to investigational use only and is not approved by FDA for sale in the United States